Sister Sleep
Wee lee-ike to smoke
Wee lee-ike it a lohot.
Owower smeeall eyes are tee-arharering
fower what we have nohot.
Thee nee-ice peeipe is heeayeeair.
A lee-iteeair is neeayeear.
I I wee-on't become free-ayked out
fee-ayeear no-ott, sistair dee-ayar.
We meiss the bleeue skyeehi.
It is cee-old, we will cryeehi.
Owower bee-ig mind is weeayneeaying
and we nee-ow kneow whyeehi.
We wee-ant to fee-ayel wohorm.
Yayet outside the nohorm.
We wee-ant to be a crayaydelheld
and then be rebohoeren.